Protein Research

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PROTEINDEX™ PureBind™ Co-NTA Agarose

Catalog NO. 11-0252-010

PROTEINDEX™ PureBind™ Co-NTA Agarose is a  cobalt-based immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) medium. It offers greater specificity and therefore enhanced selectivity for polyhistidine-tagged proteins under both native and denaturing...

From $110.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ PureBind™ Co-NTA Agarose 6 Fast Flow

Catalog NO. 11-0231-010

PROTEINDEX™ Co-NTA Agarose 6FF is a  cobalt-based immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) medium. It offers greater specificity and therefore enhanced selectivity for polyhistidine-tagged proteins under both native and denaturing...

From $115.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ Recombinant Protein A Prepacked Gravity Flow Columns, 1 mL, Pack of 5 Columns

Catalog NO. 18-0268

PROTEINDEX™ recombinant Protein A Agarose Gravity Flow Column is ready-to-use affinity chromatography column for purification of immunoglobulins, notably IgG isotypes, as well as Fc region-containing fusion proteins. Protein A, a...

$225.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein A Agarose 4 Fast Flow

Catalog NO. 11-0203-005

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein A Agarose 4 Fast Flow is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of immunoglobulins, notably IgG isotypes, as well as Fc region-containing fusion proteins. Protein...

From $345.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein A Agarose, Settled Resin

Catalog NO. 11-0202-005

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein A Agarose 4 Fast Flow is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of immunoglobulins, notably IgG isotypes, as well as Fc region-containing fusion proteins. Protein...

From $145.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein A/G Agarose 4 Fast Flow

Catalog NO. 11-0210-005

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein A/G Agarose 4FF is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of a boarder range of immunoglobulin classes and subclasses. It is versatile, adaptable tool for...

From $230.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein G Agarose

Catalog NO. 11-0205-005

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein G Agarose is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of immunoglobulins, notably most mammallian IgG isotypes, as well as Fc region-containing fusion proteins. Protein G...

From $145.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein G Agarose 4 Fast Flow

Catalog NO. 11-0206-005

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein G Agarose 4FF is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of immunoglobulins, notably most mammallian IgG isotypes, as well as Fc region-containing fusion proteins. Protein...

From $455.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein G Agarose 4 FF, Prepacked Cartridge

Catalog NO. 11-0209-5x1ML

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein G Agarose 4FF is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of immunoglobulins, notably most mammallian IgG isotypes, as well as Fc region-containing fusion proteins. Protein...

From $555.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein L Agarose 4 Fast Flow

Catalog NO. 11-0214-005

PROTEINDEX™ rProtein L Agarose 4 Fast Flow is an affinity chromatography medium designed for easy, one-step purification of immunoglobulins, as well as Fab, scFv fragments of immunoglobulins from biological fluids...

From $460.00 USD

PROTEINDEX™ Streptavidin Agarose 6 Fast Flow

Catalog NO. 11-0216-005

The ProteIndexTM Streptavidin Agarose 6FF provides a simple, rapid, and reliable method to purify the biotin and biotinylated substances. The streptavidin ligand is a recombinant version of the native protein...

From $208.00 USD
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